Linguistic and stylistic proofreading
A text can need improvement. That is why we offer linguistic and stylistic proofreading, where we read everything carefully and smooth out the text for you to create a grammatically and stylistically perfect finished product.
We offer:
- Proofreading
- Proofreading by qualified native speakers
- Linguistic and stylistic proofreading
- Prepress proofreading
- Comparative proofreading
- Back translation
Opening hours Mo–Fri 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
(+420) 273 134 220
Sales department:
(+420) 605 543 757
(+420) 605 543 658
(+420) 605 275 054
(+420) 602 780 039
Překladex s.r.o.
Revoluční 1963/6 - 3rd floor
110 00 Praha 1
IČ: 09167072
DIČ: CZ09167072