It is not easy to translate a text well. It is an art to translate a text so that it not only matches the original but also loses none of its personality. Not everyone who speaks a foreign language is a translator. We have a few tips for you on how to tell that the translated text is really good.


Above all, every translation should be accurate. It should be as close as possible to the original, not only in vocabulary, form, but also in its message. With the right translator, you shouldn’t even be able to tell that you’re reading a text in a different language to the one it was originally written in.


The translated text must always correspond to the purpose for which the original was written. A marketing text cannot sound like a legal text and vice versa.

Original text versus translated text

When assessing the quality of a translation, it is important to remember that the translated text can only be as good as the original. However, with the right translator you can achieve not only authenticity but also the necessary level of readability. Of course, it is good to keep in mind what type of text you are dealing with. Even with all your efforts, you cannot turn a legal text into a hot candidate for the Nobel Prize for Literature.


Terminology is often a stumbling block in translation. It is a good idea to agree on this with the translators at the outset. Thus, if you have complex, less used technical terms or other branches’ specifics in the text, it is a good idea to point them out. Specialist translators who have the necessary expertise in the field can serve you well in this respect.


A well-translated text should always be correct not only stylistically but also grammatically. Any shortcomings in the text reduce its credibility, so it is of utmost importance to avoid them.

A satisfied reader means a satisfied client

Every text, whether professional or fiction, is written for the reader, and it doesn’t matter if there is one or millions of them. In everyday life, it is often not the translator or the client who decides on the quality of a translation, but the reader.

And how do you get a translation that is not only accurate and of high quality, but also attractive to the reader? Turn to Překladex!

Experienced, specialist linguists provide translations for us. And the native speakers we work with will polish the translated text until it shines! Contact Překladex – we know what we’re talking about!


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