Translation tips and tricks
If it’s in Black and White
Anyone who owns documents that are written in a script other than Latin probably already knows this. If you have documents that contain, for example, Cyrillic or Chinese characters, officially translated, you should know that it is important to provide the translator...
Basic Facts about Interpreting
What to do to Understand the World and For The World to Understand You! Or Basic Facts about Interpreting Good to know: Interpretation is usually divided into two basic variants according to method: Firstly, simultaneous interpreting, where the interpreter...
What is an authorized conversion and why and where to get it done?
Conversion?! Don't worry, it's not a swear word... Conversion is the process of completely transforming a paper document into an electronic document in PDF format or converting an electronic document into its physical form. The final document is called an "authorized...
What documents should I have translated for work or study abroad?
Are you going abroad to work or study? Are you planning a wedding outside of the Czech Republic? Find out which documents you should get translated. We will advise you of all necessary details and will prepare both court and common translations for you. Court...
How to recognize a quality translation?
It is not easy to translate a text well. It is an art to translate a text so that it not only matches the original but also loses none of its personality. Not everyone who speaks a foreign language is a translator. We have a few tips for you on how to tell that the...
Translation or localization?
Have you noticed that translated foreign ads usually don't work? And you know that something funny in English can offend a native speaker if translated literally? Both of these examples make the same mistake - the use of a simple translation instead of localization....
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