Translation tips and tricks

Websites, applications and e-commerce translations

A website, app or e-shop is often the first "business card" your potential partners or customers see. In the global business environment, it is becoming standard to have websites, applications and e-commerce platforms available not only in the language of the country...

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5 TIPS: How to choose the right translation agency

Are you looking for a new translation agency for your business? Or maybe you are not completely satisfied with the services of your current one? We'll advise you on what to look for when choosing the translation agency and how to get the best value for your money. 1)...

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Legal translations – when every word counts

Legal translations are complicated. In addition to understanding the original, the translator must be well versed in the subject matter and be able to look up information or ask appropriate follow-up questions of the client. Překladex has an ace up its sleeve: our...

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