
We translate from Czech, into Czech and between many foreign languages using a wide pool of translators who can work with texts in various subjects and in many language combinations. We specialise in law, pharmacology and technology, but we have experts in many different fields among our translators too. We always try to work with the most suitable expert in a particular subject to ensure that the translation is of the highest quality. Our translators are professionals and work with many types of Computer aided translation tools (CAT).
We accept texts for translation in many formats and, unless otherwise agreed, deliver them formatted in the same way as the original.

We offer:


Opening hours Mo–Fri 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM

Překladex s.r.o.
Revoluční 1963/6 3rd floor
110 00  Praha 1

IČ: 09167072
DIČ: CZ09167072

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